2 weeks till @fosdem and this year @TinyGo will have a stand (both days), I'll be there, selling some #gopherBadges , #tinygoKeeb & nametags : you could pre-order already here >> https://shop.gopherbadge.com/product/tinygopher-complete-bundle/ or buy there, but stock is limited! FIFO!
@fosdem @TinyGo As last year, we'll try to _hack_ the #goDevroom and have our own subconf: games, multicore support, bluetooth and ... [REMOVED DUE TO SPOILER], come to our talks, visit us at the stand (AW building between #openRemote & @gnome )
Swag is ready, those are the last PINs available... come visit us at building AW during @fosdem to get yours
Remember, you can preorder your nametag, #gopher badge or @TinyGo #keeb and pick it up at @fosdem . Do it Before stock ends >> https://shop.gopherbadge.com/