Also if you wanna hang the coming week, we're hosting a hackathon in SFO (remote attendance too!) I'll be there too!
Join us to talk about #Wasm, #MCP, #AI. I myself will be looking forward to chat about #Java, #Chicory #extism and even #Android! (you're interested in #wazero and #Go too? Be my guest)
#Golang #WebAssembly runtimes on #Mikrokernels? @0xe282b0 demonstrates #wazero runtime with @UnikraftSDK.
Thanks to @Tetrateio and @evacchi for organizing this amazing meetup!
Cool stuff! Not only is this running #wasm workloads with #wazero on top of an actor system (Hollywood), but it also supports JS by running SpiderMonkey-in-Wasm-on-wazero
The Java Geek is back to revisit #Wasm! Check out my new article on @javaadvent ! There's a little bit of #golang and #wazero too! #webassembly
@orsinium just came back to this toot — I sounded harsh as I didn't explain, would like to apologize for that part
Anyhow, I do know tinygo has huge support on various boards and it has support for we assembly as wasi/plugin
But what I am trying to achieve is to use tinygo on supported boards to be wasm host application and execute those wasi plugins from tinygo application (see as apps for smartwatch for example). #wazero fails to compile with it
Note to myself: dont toot before coffee
@deadprogram thanks for opening the issue for me on #wazero GitHub I feel stupid not doing it myself in the first place
Btw I was able to resolve syscall part in some changes to wazero (moving freebds part to own file) and some socket parts, but now it fails on sockets for unidentified net.TCPListners. Still can't understand why it can't compile those if I can import in my app, a lot to learn on how compilers and #tinygo / #go internals are working
So while you can utilize @TinyGo to build wasi plugins, it seems that you can't use #wazero and #tinygo for host side (or at least I didn't find how yet).
I liked the idea of implementing host app on nrf or esp32 board where I can load additional apps thru API or Bluetooth, for example various dashboards for display like #tydbit
Any suggestions are welcome
Multiple shout-outs to #wazero from container 2wasm author Kohei Tokunaga #kubecon #CloudNativeCon #CloudNativeWasm
Hey cool #wazero made it to #thoughtworks technology radar!
Hey cool the #wasmcon talks are already published! Watch me talk about #wazero here #wasm #webassembly
Looking forward to visiting America's funniest place #wasmcon #wasm #wazero
This article from @mjg59 is interesting to me because (not surprisingly) it also indirectly shows why implementing cross-platform #WASI is challenging at times, especially when it comes to supporting Windows! #wazero #wasm #webassembly
#wazero v1.5.0 has been released with the usual injection of improvements and bug fixes! check it out!
I am proud I can now say I'll be at #wasmcon with "from #wazero to wazhero: an introduction to wazero for gophers and other species". Join me in Bellevue, WA on September 6-7 ! #wasm #webassembly